Monday, July 30, 2007

A Letter for Mr Jacky Cheung

Dear Mr Jacky Cheung,

Altho I know your songs are very nice, I was never exactly a fan of yours.

And when I saw you on TV one day, crooning & grooving (and should i say you were trying very hard to groove) to <听天由命>, a song that I never imagined would have come out of you, i was kinda glad I never was.

Sigh, what happened to you?!!

I like the old u better leh.. Tsk tsk.. What happened huh?

Btw, to make you feel better: at least I think your this song will be a great hit at Dragonfly.. haha..

1 comment:

Lao Eh said...

Daring leh you... criticise the God of Songs... hahaha... Btw letters must sign off w yours sincerely/lovingly/faithfully/unfaithfully...