Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Important lessons of R.O.M.

Remember things to bring along, Remind all your guests, Ransack your mum's possesison of assessories early so u dun have to use the Bridal Studio's Orbid (old-fashioned) necklace (blaah!), Rehearse photoshoot poses (so u dun have to perspire with ur photographers under the sun, trying to think of poses, while your makeup melts, haha) and Reap the most out of the buffet reception (shd have asked for discount and complimentary carpark coupons, aiya!)

be On time, and not to be Overkiasu to do your makeup so early, end up u go to ROM so early, and then because u told your guests to arrive so early, EVERYONE had nothing to do, but W A I T. (I wld hereby like to sincerely apologise to all our guests, whom i think, have finished examining all their ten fingers by the end of the wait, hmm, maybe plus finished counting all the folds on the palms as well)
Important: Observe which guest(s) eats the most at your buffet. He/She may jolly well be the person who will drink up all your wine/beer supply during your actual dinner and make sure he/she earns his/her angpao worth back. haha..

lastly, Make sure you remember to complain about any nasty service you received, for example, if a lady at L*ve- That-B*nds talked to u in quite a stern and unfriendly tone, keeps asking you to control your guests and asked them to keep their volumes down, keeps chasing u and guests to go up to the suite and asking how come your guests havent all arrived, and making remarks like Eh, why your ring pillow like that one?



Nayr said...

Hahah that's a good post, yah must rem to write to that nasty woman

Lao Eh said...

Your ROM been blogged on Lao Eh... =)